

The faculty and 工作人员 of 博彩平台网址大全 have been working tirelessly over the past few months preparing to fully reopen our three campuses for the new academic year. 这方面的准备工作进展得非常顺利, with new health and safety protocols; course reconfigurations; advanced teaching technologies; redesigned classrooms; intensive sanitizing procedures; and screening, 测试和追踪功能准备在斯托克顿号上启动, 萨克拉门托和旧金山校区.

But our plans have always been predicated on the state of COVID-19 as we got closer to the start of the academic year. 不幸的是, our regions’ flat and comparatively low rates of COVID-19 cases experienced through the spring have rapidly accelerated over the past month. 因此, 我们已经决定,按照我们的希望和计划重新开放校园是不明智的. While disappointing to many of us – and certainly not the semester we anticipated – the health and safety of our students, 教职员工必须而且将永远优先.

不过, 我们秋季学期的新计划, 几乎所有的教学和学习都是远程进行的, will provide our students the same superb Pacific education by combining the unparalleled skills of our inspiring, dedicated and caring faculty and 工作人员 with the spirit of educational innovation that has been the hallmark of California’s first chartered university throughout our 169-year history. 我们正在增加几十个新的创新和互动的学术, 专业, 娱乐和社会经验,将增加太平洋秋季学期的丰富性.


我们的教师, who successfully transformed their classes from on-campus learning experiences to remote classes in March within a matter of days, 现在已经花了几个月的时间来完善他们的远程课程. They are leveraging new technologies and best practices and working with the Center for Teaching and Learning to provide the Pacific-quality education that draws students from around the world to learn and grow at our university. Our students will be enrolled in the same classes with the same professors and the same classmates at the same days and times, 沉浸在同样的材料中,实现同样的学习目标. 唯一的区别是学习的地点.

此外, 我们的教师, departments and schools are developing additional learning experiences for our students in the fall to enhance the course experience, including small cohort study and discussion groups and regular one-on-one meetings with faculty and advisers.

与此同时, the William Knox Holt Memorial 图书馆 and Learning Center will expand its offerings to help students succeed, 包括学生写作中心的虚拟交付, 一对一辅导服务, 关于有效记笔记的研究、咨询和会议, 阅读策略, 生物和化学入门课程的学习小组和补充指导. 学生, 教职员工将可以远程访问图书馆的近400个图书馆,000本电子书和电子期刊以及出版商数据库,超过000个流媒体视频. 图书和期刊的印刷集将应要求邮寄给远程用户.



课堂之外, Pacific is maximizing this opportunity to create an entirely new and extensive portfolio of remote co-curricular learning experiences. Pacific students from across the country and around the world will be able to gather virtually to participate in dozens of conversations, 每周都有互动活动和小组讨论,由我们出色的太平洋教师组成, 工作人员, 校友和其他世界专家.

Our schools and colleges will host weekly events focused on the most important issues facing future engineers, 老师, 音乐家, 律师, 药剂师, 牙医, 商业和公民领袖, 政策制定者, 医疗保健专业人员等等. 另外, 我们将每周提供一些当今社会最关键的问题的探索-种族, 公平和社会正义, 2019冠状病毒病和2020年总统大选. And the entire university community will gather for special weekly events featuring global experts on key topics. 许多特别会议已经安排好了. PBS 新闻Hour anchor Judy Woodruff and CNN politics host John King will analyze the 2020 presidential election; Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll (’73, ’78) will discuss motivational leadership; Jane Chu, 前国家艺术基金会主席, 会谈论艺术吗, citizenry and the creative economy; U.S. 上诉法院法官康妮·卡拉汉(1975年)和美国联邦调查局.S. 英国地区法官莫里森(1976年), ’83) will examine the state of the judiciary; Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs will detail his Economic Empowerment Demonstration; Sacramento Kings COO Matina Kolokotronis (’89) will explore 专业 sports in the COVID era, 何塞·埃尔南德斯(84届)将讨论他作为宇航员的职业生涯.

在“研究星期二”中,教授们将发表尖端研究成果, 研究生和本科生. 此外,太平洋人将与我们的教练和过去的伟大运动员交谈. We are launching a new book club series featuring top professors and academic leaders exploring books on a vast array of topics from leadership to diversity, 公平与包容. 我们每周都会有一个探索世界各地不同文化的系列节目.

体验式学习是太平洋体验的核心组成部分, and we will have a robust set of offerings around remote internships and other 专业 and re搜索 experiences as well as career fairs and sessions on how to find a job, 如何制作简历, 如何有效地使用领英,如何优化太平洋校友网络.

个人成长和发展是大学经历的重要组成部分. 由学生生活部领导, 将有一系列引人入胜的社区建设和社交活动, 从游戏之夜和音乐会到公民参与活动和社会正义发展体验. 学生将被邀请参加为有色人种学生的成功而举行的聚会, 第一代大学生和性别认同研讨会. ASuop will continue the strong tradition of activities large and small to promote community and engage with friends across the globe. 另外, 我们150个学生社团中的很多, 组织和协会在整个学期都在策划活动和博彩平台网址大全排名.

大学生活也意味着纯粹的乐趣. 我们将为虚拟琐事游戏创建社区, 寻宝活动, 虚拟现实游戏和一系列扩大的电子竞技比赛. 甚至学生也会有机会, 教职员工每周参加一次名为“与内阁一起烹饪”的会议,,其中总统, 教务长, 副校长和院长将尝试向您展示和分享他们最喜欢的食谱.


我们在萨克拉门托校区的住宅公寓不会受到影响. 在斯托克顿校区, we will have to significantly reduce the number of students allowed to live in residence in the fall semester. We are working with county health officials to see how many of our university-operated campus apartments on the 斯托克顿校区 can be used this fall. Residential Life and 住房 will email residents with current housing contracts via their Pacific email address next week providing additional details.

与此同时, 学生健康服务, Counseling and Psychological Services and Services for 学生 with Disabilities all will be available remotely. 事实上,博彩平台网址大全今年秋天已经增加了咨询服务的资源.


我们知道,新冠肺炎疫情给许多学生和家庭带来了巨大的经济困难. 此外,还为专业学生和研究生提供新的助学金, 博彩平台网址大全在春季宣布本科生奖学金为1美元,所有符合条件的本科生每年450英镑,最多四年. 这是美国最大、最全面的与新冠病毒相关的奖学金之一. 另外, 我们将免除秋季学期的所有学费, 秋季学期的斯托克顿校园娱乐费用也将免收. Pacific will continue to employ as many students as possible remotely through the Federal Work-Study Program. 最后, 为需要远程连接太平洋地区课程的学生提供帮助, 资金将用于补贴个人技术需求. That is all in addition to the more than $2 million in federal COVID aid distributed directly to students earlier this year and a total of $90 million in Pacific scholarships our students are set to receive for the new academic year.


尽管新冠肺炎疫情造成了破坏和困难, we are confident that our Pacific students will continue to get a superb educational and personal experience throughout the fall semester. 加州在新冠病毒相关标准和法规方面处于全国领先地位, we believe our region will be well positioned to enable us to fully open all three of our campuses for the spring semester with on-campus learning and full residential living.

我们将在周一为学生开设Zoom课程, faculty and 工作人员 — both universitywide and school-specific — for any questions about the fall semester. 我们期待在那里见到你.

保持安全. 保持好. 保持强劲.



